Just ONE more step to schedule your qualification call...


coaching_call_20_tbwWhen you click the button below, you'll be asked to leave a fully refundable deposit of $197 which will be applied toward the $1,997 tuition if we accept you into the Tactical Workouts One-Day Workshop.

If you and I decide that the Tactical Workouts Two-Day Workshop isn't for you at this time, your $197 deposit will be promptly refunded at the end of our call.

Fair enough?

Deadline to schedule your call is Friday, April 4th at 1900 hours EST.

But I wouldn't wait that long because there are only 16 spots available and they'll be gone soon.

I'll email you to schedule your 20-minute qualification call with me, after we receive your $197 deposit.

Train hard and stay safe,



Joseph Arangio, MS, CSCS
Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach
Author, Tactical Bodyweight Workouts